Patience Papers

Here are some published papers and essays I've written about patience (or on related issues), leading up to my work on the book. These works go into greater detail about specific figures or focus on issues that I discuss differently in the book.

"Nietzschean Patience," The Journal of Value Inquiry, 2015 (Online First) - In this paper, I dig even deeper than I do in the book into Nietzsche's ideas about patience in relation to some of his more general ideas about virtue.

"In Defense of Patience," in Epictetus: His Continuing Influence and Contemporary Relevance, ed. D. Gordon and D. Suits, Rochester, NY: RIT Press, 2014 - In this essay, I focus on Seneca's rejection of anger (along with some discussion of Epictetus, too) in relation to what I read as an implicit embrace of patience by the later Stoics.

"The Virtues of the Twelve Steps," in Sobering Wisdom: Philosophical Explorations of Twelve Step Spirituality, ed. J. Miller and N. Plants, University of Virginia Press, 2014 - This essay discusses patience along with a few other virtues in the context of reading the traditional Twelve Step program as a virtue ethic. Some may be able to access my essay (and others in the book) via JSTOR.

"Moral Conviction," Journal of Applied Philosophy 28(4), 2011 - This paper isn't about patience, but as I note in the preface to On Patience, the thinking that I was doing around the time of this article is ultimately what led me to begin reading and thinking about patience. It seemed to be, as it were, a "missing ingredient" in the sketch I was attempting to offer about responsible conviction.

These articles and chapters will be readily available to many students and academics via their institutional libraries. However, if you are interested in any of the works above but have trouble tracking them down, contact me for help!

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